How can machine translation make your company more profitable?

The use of MT by language service providers is no longer a controversial topic within the language industry. With only a few critical exceptions is MT not helpful in increasing productivity in the translation process.

Don’t leave critical tools on the shelf.

MT as a service?

Should LSCs offer machine translation as a service?

Accelerate Turnaround

One of the benefits of having an established machine translation production process is to improve turnaround times for those repeat projects that are consistently under time pressure. In many cases, clients favor speed over all else. By utilizing MT you can win back critical time for your linguistics to help them focus on critical terminology and translation accuracy without fear of falling behind. As a result, by using MT, you can expect to improve turnaround by 30 – 50%!

Increase Your Margins

In addition to improved turnaround, with a well-managed MT process, you can grow your project margins through increasing your translation teams’ productivity. Post-editing is consistently faster than translating from scratch, but to be successful, your engines and your post-editors must be properly trained. LocFluent can help you achieve this goal!

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