Plunet Consulting Services

As an official partner of Plunet GmbH., LocFluent endorses Plunet Business Management software for Translation and Localization service providers, we also assist language service companies with preparation, optimization, and on-going staff training to help them get the most out of Plunet.

Don’t let you company settle for minimal proficiency!

Build or Buy?

Should LSCs build or buy their business management software?

Adopting a new business management system like Plunet is a big step for many new and emerging language service companies. It can be a large investment of time and dollars. This can be a risk to your company and its operations if not done correctly. You want to see immediate rewards and returns for taking this step. Initial rollout can be a challenge and once your production team gains basic proficiency, everyone breathes a lot easier. The problem is most LSCs stop there. To get the most out of Plunet, you need to keep digging into its advanced features to see how it can best support your production methods. Since your production team will be engaging Plunet throughout the project lifecycle, there will be many opportunities to increase efficiency by minimizing clicks and pre-configuring selections and options tracked and managed by Plunet.

The challenge is that in the early phases of using Plunet, it’s difficult to become a super user and Plunet admin at the same time. Great Plunet admins are not born, they are grown and cultivated. That’s where LocFluent comes in. We can help reduce that learning curve for your in-house admin while implementing features that can benefit your team right now.

LSPs with an eye on growth need to enable scaling of their operations. In translation services, scale means more project managers and more linguists. As your translation department grows you need to learn to manage more resources with the fewest internal resources. To achieve this, Plunet must be tightly aligned with the way you work. The most successful LSPs who use Plunet have mastered this customization. Your company can achieve this too, and you don’t need to take five years to do it. LocFluent can help accelerate the process.

As your firm grows, you’ll want to do even more for your customers and vendors. This may include reporting or process not directly supported by Plunet. Or perhaps you want to offer a unique user experience that’s tied closely to your company’s brand. LocFluent can help you plan, design, execute and implement proprietary portals, integrations with other systems, custom analytics packages, and more utilizing Plunet’s extensive API and the APIs of third-party systems.

Going beyond basic proficiency and leveraging Plunet to match how your work can all lead to increased automation, which is the hallmark of effective, reliable, and profitable operations. LocFluent can help you identify opportunities for greater automation, increasing your project managers’ workload without burning them out or sacrificing quality.

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